
At SSKIN we celebrate uniqueness and believe in natural looking enhancements to your beauty. This is why we tailor our treatments to the individual and consult to your specific concerns. Book in for a consult to sit down with one of our experts and take the next step to achieving your desired results.

Injectables Consult

Christie has learnt from some of the world’s leading professionals, from Cosmetic Dermatologists, to Doctors and Professors in the field, to grow her knowledge in skin science!

Christie is passionate about skin and feels education is key for the best skin results. She was Valedictorian top graduating student from The French Beauty Academy.

She went on to work for a 6 star luxury spa retreat and expand her knowledge in holistic health and the importance of treating all aspects of the body and mind in order for the skin to function optimally.



Before treatment you will receive a complimentary cosmetic consultation with one of our experienced Registered Nurses to discuss your concerns, give an in depth explanation of treatment options and create bespoke treatment plans to achieve your desired results.

Price: Complimentary